Statement in the Committee of the Whole by Major Groups Agenda Item, 5 (e) Coordination and cooperation with major groups. UNEP/EA.1/INF/7 Contributions by major groups and stakeholders to the UNEA
Annual consultations bring civil society representatives from around each of the six regions—Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, North America, and West Asia—to in-person meetings, gathering members of civil society from all major groups and different countries. At these meetings, representatives discuss the issues that will be addressed at the UNEA, as well as others that are relevant to each region. The outcomes of the Regional Consultation Meetings are compiled into statements, which you have in front of you in UNEP/EA.1/INF/7. Additionally, representatives are nominated and two are elected for each region. They take the outcomes from the regions to the global consultative processes, including here at the UNEA.