Terminal evaluation of the UNEP project: Strengthening trade union participation in international environmental processes
This is a terminal evaluation of a UNEP project implemented between 2007 and 2010. The project was designed to address the gap in representation of workers and trade unions in international environmental processes at UNEP, MEAs, and other UN constituencies. The project's goal was to provide grounds for multi-stakeholder dialogue and lay the foundations for a conceptual framework on the inter-linkages between labour and environment. The project also aimed at contributing to improve the gender imbalance in representation at decision making levels of the trade unions, and further, though a long term goal, to assist in poverty reduction through a rights-based approach to ecosystem services. The evaluation set out to provide evidence of results to meet accountability requirements and to promote learning, feedback, and knowledge-sharing through results and lessons learnt among Sustainlabour, trade unions, UNEP and their partners.
Terminal Project Evaluations