Terminal Evaluation of the Global Environment Facility-UN Environment Project: Low Carbon-Energy Islands: Accelerating the Use of Energy Efficient and Renewable Energy Technologies in Tuvalu, Niue and Nauru
The Low Carbon Energy Islands “Accelerating the Energy Efficient and Renewable Energy Technologies in Tuvalu, Niue and Nauru” project seeks to reduce the participating countries GHG emissions by replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy resources and energy conservation. The project is in line with the GEF-4 Strategic Program 3 on promoting market approaches for the supply of renewable electricity in utility scale grid-based power systems and with the GEF 4 Strategic Program 1 promoting energy efficiency in residential and commercial buildings. The project started in March 2013 and was scheduled for completion on December 31, 2017. GEF supported the project with an allocation of USD 1,299,636 and the governments of Tuvalu, Niue and Nauru were committed to contribute co-financing for a total of USD 7.69 million.
Terminal Project Evaluations