Terminal Evaluation of The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) National Implementation: Reflecting the Value of Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Policy-making

UN Environment Evaluation Office (2018-01)

The project aims to promote a better understanding of the value of ecosystem services and to offer economic tools that take proper account of this value. It was designed around three interlinked activity areas which build on previous phases of the TEEB initiative, namely: i) advance natural capital accounting by undertaking country assessments and assessments in ‘externalities heavy’ industry sectors; ii) deepen the analysis on specific ‘biomes’ and ‘sectors’; iii) support in-depth examinations to identify ways to ‘work with nature’ to meet country-specific policy priorities, with an initial focus on five pilot countries. The evaluation findings are presented in two volumes: Volume I is the main report and Volume II contains material specific to the ENRTP-funded component.

Terminal Project Evaluations
