Now showing items 21-40 of 43

    • Outlook Report on the State of the Marine Biodiversity in the Pacific Islands Region 

      Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme; United Nations Environment Programme
      This report provides a summary of current information regarding pressure, state and responses to these threats for the Pacific Islands region, as well as the responses by PICTs in addressing, alleviating and/or mitigating ...
    • Pacific Integrated Island Management : principles, case studies and lessons learned 

      United Nations Environment Programme; Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
      This document is supported by an illustrated synthesis and electronic materials for use in communicating and promoting use of Integrated Island Management approaches. These products are designed to raise awareness of ...
    • Palau - National Report for Third International Conference 

      Republic of Palau
      The Republic of Palau has met or nearly accomplished most of the 2015 Millennium Development Goals. As a leader in sustainable development and conservation, Palau is committed to work towards universal and affordable ...
    • Regional Synthesis Report on the Policy, Legal, Regulatory and Institutional frameworks in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region 

      United Nations Environment Programme; Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association
      The main purpose of the report is to provide baseline knowledge of the gaps in the legal, policy, regulatory and institutional frameworks for dealing with Land-based Sources and Activities (LBSA) issues in the Western ...
    • Relatório Estatístico 2010 - Ministério da Saúde da República de Cabo Verde 

      Ministério da Saúde da República de Cabo Verde
      Esta é uma compilação da informação estatística produzida pelos serviços do Ministério da Saúde, originária das delegacias de saúde, hospitais regionais e centrais e programas nacionais de saúde pública, tratada pelo Serviço ...
    • Segundo Plano de Acção Nacional para o Ambiente DOCUMENTO SINTESE 

      Ministério do Ambiente Agricultura e Pescas.
      As Grandes Opções do Plano definem como imagem de futuro de Cabo Verde no horizonte de longo prazo \"um país aberto ao mundo, com um sistema produtivo forte e dinâmico, assente na valorização do seu capital humano, capacitação ...
    • Seychelles country report 

      Vicki King and Bryony Walmsley
      Seychelles country report contents: National vision Biophysical profile Socio-economic profile Legal profile Institutional profile EIA practice Key successes and challenges
    • Seychelles National Report to the RIO+20 Conference 

      Government of Seychelles
      The Seychelles National Report to the RIO+20 Conference represents more than 20 years of commitment to sustainable development which has transformed Seychelles to status of upper middle income country.
    • SPREP Country Report - French Polynesia 

      Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
      French Polynesia comprises approximately 130 islands, including one hundred of which are atolls and thirty high islands somewhat larger. In fact, all these islands are very small and many of the mountainous islands are so ...
    • SPREP Country Report - Guam 

      Commission du Pacifique Sud - Noumea Nouvelle-Caledonie
    • State of the Environment Report - 1999 - The Legislative and institutional landscape for Protection of the environment in Trinidad & Tobago 

      Environmental Management Authority (EMA) - Trinidad and Tobago (1999)
      This report looks at the current situation with regard to environmental legislation and its enforcement. The EMA during 1998 and 1999 conducted an extensive survey into the legislative and institutional landscape to determine ...
    • State of the Environment Report - 2001 and 2002, Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI):Provisional Indices and profiles for Trinidad & Tobago 

      Environmental Management Authority (EMA) - Trinidad and Tobago (Environmental Management Authority (EMA) - Trinidad and Tobago, 2002)
      This year’s state of the environment report presents in one consolidated text, a review of the environmental vulnerability of Trinidad and Tobago, using an Environmental Vulnerability Index composed of 48 environmental ...
    • State of the Environment Report - 2008 - Solomon Islands 

      Ministry of Environment Conservation and Meteorology - Solomon Islands (Ministry of Environment Conservation and Meteorology - Solomon Islands, 2008)
      The rapid pace and level of exploitation of the country’s natural resources cannot be isolated from the environmental challenges with which the country is faced. At the same time, it should be remembered that environmental ...
    • State of the Environment Report - Cook Islands 

      Teariki Rongo - The Regional Ervionmental Technical Assistance (RETA) Proiect Consultant
      This State of the EnWonment Report provides a description of the environment covering elements of the Cook lslands' physical and biological features, and demographic and economlc features, environmental issues prevailing: ...
    • State of the Environment Report - Fiji 

      Government of Fiji; IUCN - The World Conservation Union
      The report covers all the major issues which should be of concern to Fiji. Perhaps the most important aspect of the report is the fact that it makes us realise to what extent the environment and its resources support ...
    • State of the Environment Report - Niue 

      Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
      The State of the Environment Report for Niue has been commissioned by the Government of Niue and sponsered by the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) as part of the process of developing a National ...
    • State of the Environment Report - Republic of the Marshall Islands 

      Martha J. Crawford - Consultant to General Manager - RMI Environmental Protection Authority
      The report identifies and describes the major environmental challenges presently facing the Republic of the Marshall Islands. The document represents the first ever government wide effort to evaluate environmental management ...
    • State of the Environment Report - Solomon Islands 

      Tanya Leary - Consultant - Regional Environment Technical Assistance (RETA) Project
      The report assesses the current state of the Solomon Islands environment, and the last section highlights some of the environmental issues and problems facing the country.
    • State of the Environment Report - The Federated States of Micronesia 

      Michael J. Gawel - Consultant, Regional Environment Technical Assistance (RETA) Project
      This report reviews the past and present status of natural resources and their uses and indicates what trends are occurring to determinc future resource uses and impacts of uses. It suggests possible priorities for ...
    • State of the Environment Report - Western Samoa 

      Tu'u'u leti Taule'alo, Local NEMS Consultant (South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), 1993)
      This document represents a concise but nevertheless comprehensive report on the State of Environment in Western Samoa. The report summarises the current state of knowledge about the environment of Western Samoa.