Now showing items 1-12 of 12

    • 4º Relatório Sobre a Biodiversidade em cabo Verde 

      Unknown author (2009)
      Com a ratificação da Convenção sobre a Diversidade Biológica, em Março de 1995, Cabo Verde comprometeu-se perante o mundo em apresentar periodicamente ao Secretariado da Convenção, o balanço da implementação da mesma no ...
    • An assessment of the economic and social impacts of climate change on the energy sector in the Caribbean 

      United Nations (UN) - Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
      The present report assesses the economic and social impacts of climate change on the energy sector in Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Cuba, Dominica, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Grenada, Guyana, ...

      O Relatório Brundtland de 1987 propôs uma definição do Desenvolvimento Sustentável como um Desenvolvimento que responde às necessidades das gerações actuais sem comprometer a capacidade das gerações futuras de responder ...
    • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Cargo village - Cabo Verde 

      BCEOM Société Française d’Ingénierie
      This Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) concerns the whole Port of Praia Expansion and Modernization Project but focuses on three project items which are going to be implemented as a first step: the Cargo Village, the ...
    • Migration and Tourism Statistics - Seychelles 

      National Bureau of Statistics - Seychelles
      This is the 2014 edition in an annual series of Migration and Tourism Statistics. Visitors Statistics are obtained from immigration embarkation and disembarkation cards completed by all travellers, and they are analysed ...
    • Millennium Development Goals Status Report 2013 Assessing Seychelles Progress toward the Millennium Development Goals 

      Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Seychelles
      The Republic of Seychelles is proud to present its third Millennium Development Goals Report. MDGs report indicates that Seychelles has achieved almost all the MDGs, especially those relating to education, health and social ...
    • Relatório Estatístico 2010 - Ministério da Saúde da República de Cabo Verde 

      Ministério da Saúde da República de Cabo Verde
      Esta é uma compilação da informação estatística produzida pelos serviços do Ministério da Saúde, originária das delegacias de saúde, hospitais regionais e centrais e programas nacionais de saúde pública, tratada pelo Serviço ...
    • Segundo Plano de Acção Nacional para o Ambiente DOCUMENTO SINTESE 

      Ministério do Ambiente Agricultura e Pescas.
      As Grandes Opções do Plano definem como imagem de futuro de Cabo Verde no horizonte de longo prazo \"um país aberto ao mundo, com um sistema produtivo forte e dinâmico, assente na valorização do seu capital humano, capacitação ...
    • Seychelles National Report to the RIO+20 Conference 

      Government of Seychelles
      The Seychelles National Report to the RIO+20 Conference represents more than 20 years of commitment to sustainable development which has transformed Seychelles to status of upper middle income country.
    • State of the Environment Report - 2008 - Solomon Islands 

      Ministry of Environment Conservation and Meteorology - Solomon Islands (Ministry of Environment Conservation and Meteorology - Solomon Islands, 2008)
      The rapid pace and level of exploitation of the country’s natural resources cannot be isolated from the environmental challenges with which the country is faced. At the same time, it should be remembered that environmental ...
    • State of the Environment Report - Solomon Islands 

      Tanya Leary - Consultant - Regional Environment Technical Assistance (RETA) Project
      The report assesses the current state of the Solomon Islands environment, and the last section highlights some of the environmental issues and problems facing the country.
    • State of the Environment Report - Western Samoa 

      Tu'u'u leti Taule'alo, Local NEMS Consultant (South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), 1993)
      This document represents a concise but nevertheless comprehensive report on the State of Environment in Western Samoa. The report summarises the current state of knowledge about the environment of Western Samoa.