Decision IG.22/12 - Updated Action Plans Concerning “Cetaceans”, “Coralligenous and Other Calcareous Bioconcretions”, and “Species Introductions and Invasive Species”; Mandate for update of the “Action Plan on Marine and Coastal Birds” and revision of the “Reference List of Marine and Coastal Habitat Types in the Mediterranean”

UNEP/MAP (2016-02)

Adopt the Updated Action Plan for the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea, the Updated Action Plan for the Conservation of the Coralligenous and Other Calcareous Bio-concretions in the Mediterranean Sea, the Updated Action Plan concerning Species Introductions and Invasive Species in the Mediterranean Sea, requesting the Contracting Parties to take the necessary measures for their implementation; Request SPA/RAC to update the Action Plan for the Conservation of Bird Species (Annex II to the SPA/BD Protocol), and to revise the Reference List of Marine and Coastal Habitat Types.

