Decision IG.21/4 - Action Plans under the Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity Protocol including Monk Seal, Marine Turtles, Birds, Cartilaginous Fishes, and Dark Habitats
Adopt the Regional strategy for the conservation of Monk Seals in the Mediterranean (2014-2019); Adopt the Work Programme and Implementation Timetable of the Action Plan for the conservation of Mediterranean Marine Turtles in the Mediterranean Sea for the period 2014-2019;Adopt the Work Programme and Implementation Timetable of the Action Plan for the conservation of Bird species listed in Annex II to the SPA/BD Protocol in the Mediterranean for the period 2014-2019; Adopt the Work Programme and Implementation Timetable of the Action Plan for the conservation of Cartilaginous Fishes in the Mediterranean Sea for the period 2014-2019; Adopt the Action Plan for the conservation of Habitats and Species associated with seamounts, underwater caves and canyons, aphotic engineering benthic invertebrates and chemo-synthetic phenomena, in the Mediterranean Sea (Dark Habitats Action Plan).