Decision IG.21/4 - Action Plans under the Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity Protocol including Monk Seal, Marine Turtles, Birds, Cartilaginous Fishes, and Dark Habitats

UNEP/MAP (2013-12)

Adopt the Regional strategy for the conservation of Monk Seals in the Mediterranean (2014-2019); Adopt the Work Programme and Implementation Timetable of the Action Plan for the conservation of Mediterranean Marine Turtles in the Mediterranean Sea for the period 2014-2019;Adopt the Work Programme and Implementation Timetable of the Action Plan for the conservation of Bird species listed in Annex II to the SPA/BD Protocol in the Mediterranean for the period 2014-2019; Adopt the Work Programme and Implementation Timetable of the Action Plan for the conservation of Cartilaginous Fishes in the Mediterranean Sea for the period 2014-2019; Adopt the Action Plan for the conservation of Habitats and Species associated with seamounts, underwater caves and canyons, aphotic engineering benthic invertebrates and chemo-synthetic phenomena, in the Mediterranean Sea (Dark Habitats Action Plan).

