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dc.contributorEcosystems Divisionen_US
dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programme
dc.descriptionThe Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities was adopted by 108 Governments and the European Commission in an intergovernmental conference held in Washington, D.C., in November 1995. The Programme represents a clear commitment by national Governments, international and regional organizations and programmes, non-governmental organizations and major groups to protecting and preserving the marine environment from the adverse impact of land-based activities. The Programme calls for comprehensive, continuing and adaptive action and provides recommendations and criteria for their development at various levels, with a focus on action by Governments. It provides a comprehensive yet flexible framework to assist countries in fulfilling their duty, in accordance with international law, to preserve and protect the marine environment from sewage, physical alterations and the destruction of habitats, nutrients, sediment mobilization, persistent organic pollutants, oils, litter, heavy metals and radioactive substances. Pursuant to paragraph 36 of the Programme, there have been two intergovernmental reviews of progress in implementing the Programme: the first in Montreal, Canada, in 2001 and the second in Beijing in 2006. The present report provides an overview of the implementation of the Programme by countries since 2006 and gives details of the assistance provided by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in its role as the secretariat of the Programme through the UNEP/Global Programme of Action Coordination Office and other actors. As secretariat, UNEP is tasked with facilitating and promoting the implementation of the Programme through international, regional and national action.
dc.titleProgress in implementing the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities at the national, regional and international levels over the period 2007–2011 - Note by the secretariat
dc.typeMeeting Briefing Notes and Informationen_US

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