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Key Messages from North American Major Groups and Stakeholders Consultation: In preparation for the 15th UNEP Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF) and the First Universal Session of the UNEP United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA)

dc.contributorGovernance Affairs Officeen_US
dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programmeen_US
dc.coverage.spatialNorthern Americaen_US
dc.descriptionIn addition to broader concerns regarding a sustainable future, the two main themes for the Major Groups and Stakeholders (MGS) consultation were integrating environmental sustainability into the post-2015 development agenda and improving stakeholder engagement within UNEP. Key points raised by participants at the Consultation are enumerated below. These key messages reflect areas of general consensus. However, the various groups present do not necessarily endorse every conclusion.en_US
dc.subject.classificationEnvironmental Governanceen_US
dc.titleKey Messages from North American Major Groups and Stakeholders Consultation: In preparation for the 15th UNEP Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF) and the First Universal Session of the UNEP United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA)en_US
dc.typeMeeting report/proceedingsen_US
wd.meeting.nameNorth American Major Groups and Stakeholders Consultationen_US
wd.identifier.collectionMeeting Documentsen_US

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