Statement/ recommendations of the West Asia Regional Consultation Meeting of Major Groups and Stakeholders in Preparation for Rio + 20 and the 27th Session of the Governing Council/ Global Ministerial Environment Forum (GC-27/GMEF)

United Nations Environment Programme (09/10/2011)

We, the participants in the Regional Consultation Meeting of Civil Society Organizations and Major Groups of Western Asia, met on 9 and 10 October 2011 in Dubai in preparation for Rio +20 Summit and the 27th Meeting of the Governing Council/General Ministers of Environment Forum (GC-27/GMEF) as well as the Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF-13), Abiding by Rio Declarations (1992), Agenda 21 and the Millennium Development Declarations (2000), Recognizing and stressing on their calls to enhance international co-operation in order to overcome the global development and environmental challenges, Emphasizing the key role of committed international co-operation in promoting fair trade, improving the quantity, quality and effectiveness of overseas development aids to developing countries, Recognizing the latter’s contribution in supporting sustainable development initiatives, protecting and sustaining natural resources and their efficient use and reforming the production and consumption patterns and facilitating not only the transfer of environment-friendly technologies but its indigenization, Discussed Rio+20 agenda items and agreed on the following recommendations:

Meeting report/proceedings
