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IFAW submission: priorities areas for the Third Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly

dc.contributorGovernance Affairs Officeen_US
dc.descriptionIFAW notes from the meeting summary of the 3 March meeting of the Bureau of Committee of Permanent Representatives that the Bureau agreed to recommend five general priority areas of the Third Session of UNEA (UNEA-3), deferring discussion on the sub-areas to a later date. One of those five areas was marine pollution. IFAW welcomes the inclusion of marine pollution within the priority areas. IFAW would like to submit specific comments regarding this item and the possibility of including a sub-area within this item on underwater noise pollution. IFAW recommends the addition of human-made underwater noise pollution (“ocean noise”) as a priority sub-area. This formen_US
dc.titleIFAW submission: priorities areas for the Third Session of the United Nations Environment Assemblyen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe International Fund for Animal Welfareen_US
dc.typeInformation Document/noteen_US
wd.identifier.collectionPublications and Documentsen_US

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