Mid-term evaluation of the UNEP GEF project: Strategic partnership for the Mediterranean large marine ecosystem - Regional Component implementation of agreed actions for the protection of the environmental resources of the Mediterranean Sea and its coast
This report is a mid-term evaluation of a UNEP GEF project implemented between 2009 and 2014. 35. The objective of the project is to fill the knowledge gap and promote harmonized policy, legal and institutional reforms to reverse marine and coastal degradation trends and living resources depletion, in accordance with the priorities agreed by the countries in the SAP MED and SAP BIO, and to prepare the ground for the future implementation of the ICZM Protocol. The purposes of this Mid-Term Evaluation was to look at progress made towards the attainment of objectives and planned results and at the project's sustainability and catalytic role; and to examine processes affecting attainment of results as a basis for lessons and recommendations.
Mid-term Project Evaluations