UNEP Annual Evaluation Report 2000

UN Environment Evaluation Office (2001)

The 2000 Annual Evaluation Report is a synthesis of evaluations relating to one Subprogramme and one part Subprogramme, 11 in-depth project evaluations, two desk project evaluations and 139 self-evaluation fact sheets. The standard parameters employed in the analysis of sub-programmes and projects are: appropriateness and relevance; assessment of linkages and collaboration forged; approaches and strategies adopted and the hierarchical coherence of project objectives as outlined in the programmes of work of sub-programmes and divisions in relation to UNEP's mission and mandate; effectiveness and efficiency, which measure the extent to which intended results and expected outputs have been achieved within the planned budget and time-frame and the efficiency of institutional arrangements employed to support implementation; and finally, the impact of processes and actions initiated by UNEP projects on subject environmental problems and issues.

Evaluation Synthesis reports
