Global Major Groups and Stakeholder Forum Draft Agenda

UNEP (14/11/2017)

The third United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-3) will give Major Groups and Stakeholders the unique opportunity to come together prior to UNEA and to actively engage with the two-day Global Major Groups and Stakeholder Forum 2017 (GMGSF-2017). GMGSF 2017 will take place on November 27 and 28, 2017 at the UN compound in Nairobi, Kenya and it will mobilize Major Groups and other Stakeholders to engage in a multi-stakeholders setting that will also include policymakers, learning from each other, developing partnerships and creating their input into UNEA-3. Participation in the GMGSF-2017 is open of representatives of Major Groups organizations accredited to UNEP, non-accredited organizations, member states and representatives of international organizations. Please register here:

