Agenda of the International Consultation for Major Groups and Stakeholders

UNEP (20/05/2020)

The objectives of the consultation: • Increase the relevance of UNEA 5 by allowing relevant stakeholders globally to engage actively and meaningful with the UNEA 5 preparatory process and the UNEA and CPR Bureaus; • Strengthen the inter-action and information flow between UNEA and CPR Bureaus and Major Groups and Stakeholders; • Enrich the UNEA and CPR Bureau retreats with input and expertise from non-state actors, r epresented by the nine Major Groups and other Stakeholders; • Give a space to Major Groups and Stakeholders to discuss the UNEA theme, and to develop their input and positions, including in the light of the COVID-10 Pandemic, with a view to maximize the outcome of UNEA 5 and to prioritize MGS actions and inputs to UNEA 5; • Build the capacity and knowledge base of civil society organizations and relevant stakeholders regionally and globally; • Increase the number of civil society organizations and other stakeholders that engage with UNEP, including through formal accreditation.

