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dc.contributorEcosystems Divisionen_US
dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programmeen_US
dc.contributor.authorCaribbean Environment Programmeen_US
dc.descriptionThe Global Partnership on Nutrient Management (GPNM) was launched in 2009 to address the global challenges faced by the mismanagement of nutrients and nutrient over-enrichment. It is a global partnership of governments, scientists, policy makers, private sector, NGOs and international organizations. It responds to the ‘nutrient challenge’ – how to reduce the amount of excess nutrients in the global environment consistent with global development. The GPNM reflects a need for strategic, global advocacy to trigger governments and stakeholders in moving towards more efficient and effective nitrogen and phosphorous use and lower losses associated with human activities. It provides a platform for governments, UN agencies, scientists and the private sector to forge a common agenda, mainstreaming best practices and integrated assessments, so that policy and investment responses/options are effectively ‘nutrient proofed’. The GPNM also provides a space where countries and other stakeholders can forge more co-operative work across the variety of international and regional fora and agencies dealing with nutrients, including the importance of impact assessment work. The work of the GPNM is advanced by a Steering Committee, a sub-set of the Partnership members and is supported by the GPA Unit of the Marine and Coastal Ecosystems Branch of the Division of Environmental Policy Implementation of UNEP, which serves as the Secretariat to the Steering Committee.en_US
dc.titleSecond Regional Planning Meeting of the Caribbean Platform for Nutrient Management - Third Meeting of the Scientific, Technical and Advisory Committee (STAC) to the Protocol concerning Pollution from Land based Sources and Activities in the Wider Caribbeanen_US
wd.document.symbolUNEP(DEPI)/CAR WG.37/INF.8en_US
wd.meeting.nameThird Meeting of the Scientific, Technical and Advisory Committee (STAC) to the Protocol concerning Pollution from Land based Sources and Activities in the Wider Caribbean.en_US
wd.meeting.treatyCartagena Conventionen_US
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitationen_US
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 14 - Life Below Wateren_US
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 15 - Life on Landen_US

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