Terminal Evaluation of the UNEP Project: Climate change action in developing countries with fragile mountainous ecosystems from a sub-regional perspective

UNEP Evaluation Office (2020-12)

UNEP’s inter-regional project “Climate change action in developing countries with fragile mountainous ecosystems from a sub-regional perspective” responds to the various mandates provided and actively promotes concrete climate change and adaptation action, building on past milestones and results achieved. The project formed part of UNEP’s Programmes of Work 2014/15 and 16/17 as well as 18/19, subprogramme: climate change, directly contributing to Output 113. (Donor Report) The main aim of the project was to support the integration of mountain specific Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) and other supporting adaptation approaches into key sectoral, national and sub-regional development strategies and policies to reduce vulnerability and strengthen resilience to climate change impacts. The terminal evaluation has been undertaken after the project’s completion to assess project performance (in terms of relevance, effectiveness and efficiency). The evaluation will also determine outcomes and impacts (actual and potential) stemming from the project, including their sustainability. The evaluation is being conducted in accordance with UN Environment’s Evaluation Policy, the UNEP Evaluation Manual and Guidelines for GEF Agencies in Conducting Terminal Evaluations.

Terminal Project Evaluations
