Library Catalog: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 1447
Genetically modified organisms in aquaculture
(FAO, 2003)
Responsible fisheries booklet for the Black and Azov Seas
(Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TUDAV), 2004)
Climate change and energy in the Mediterranean
(UNEP/MAP/RAC-BP, July 2008)
World development indicators 2001
(World Bank, 2001)
Workshop on Lessepsian Migration: 20 - 21 July 2002, Gokceada, Turkey
(Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TUDAV), 2002)
Basic documents on human rights
(Oxford University Press, 2006)
Announcement of the Commission for amending the Common Fisheries Policy: Directions
(The Commission, 2002)
Mediterranean woodlands: key to sustainable development
Les Espaces Boisés Méditerranéens: situations et perspectives
(UNEP-MAP/BP-RAC, Economica, 2002)
The Millenium Development Goals Report 2007
(UN, 2007)
From ocean to aquarium: the global trade in marine ornamental species
(UNEP/WCMC, 2003)
World development Indicators 2005
(Oxford University Press, 2005)
Fishes of Estonia
(Estonian Academy Publishers, 2003)
Workshop on demersal resources in the Black Sea and Azov Sea, 15 - 17 April 2003, Sile, Istanbul, Turkey
(Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TUDAV), 2003)