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dc.contributorEcosystems Divisionen_US
dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programmeen_US
dc.identifier.otherUNEP(DEC)/CAR IG.19/6en_US
dc.descriptionIn its Decision No. 17, the Ninth Intergovernmental Meeting on the Action Plan for the Caribbean Environment Programme and Sixth Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region, held in Kingston from 14 to 18 February 2000 (see UNEP(DEC)/CAR IG. 17/5, Annex IV), agreed to endorse the general approach of the revised workplan and to adopt the budget for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Caribbean Environment Programme (CEP) for the biennium 2000- 2001. This workplan included the convening of the Thirteenth Meeting of the Monitoring Committee on the Action Plan of the Caribbean Environment Programme and Special Meeting of the Contracting Parties.en_US
dc.titleReport of the Meeting: Thirteenth Meeting of the Monitoring Committee On the Action Plan for the Caribbean Environment Programme and Special Meeting of the Bureau of Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Regionen_US
dc.title.alternativeINFORME DE LA REUNION - Decimotercera Reunión del Comité de Supervisión sobre el Plan de Acción para el Programa Ambiental del Caribe y Reunión Especial de la Mesa Directiva de las Partes Contratantes del Convenio para la Protección y Desarrollo del Medio Marino en la Región del Gran Caribeen_US
dc.title.alternativeRAPPORT DE LA RÉUNION - Treizième réunion du Comité de surveillance du Plan d’action du Programme pour l’environnement des Caraïbes et Réunion spéciale du Bureau des Parties contractantes à la Convention pour la protection et la mise en valeur du milieu marin dans la Région des Caraïbesen_US
dc.typeMeeting Reports and Proceedingsen_US
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 13 - Climate Actionen_US
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 14 - Life Below Wateren_US
wd.topicsNature Action and biodiversityen_US
wd.topicsNature Actionen_US
wd.identifier.pagesnumber71 pageen_US
wd.identifier.mettingsessionThirteenth Meeting of the Monitoring Committee On the Action Plan for the Caribbean Environment Programme and Special Meeting of the Bureau of Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region. San José, 9-13 July 2001en_US
wd.identifier.institutionsRegional Seas - Cartagena Conventionen_US

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