Proposal for a draft resolution to establish a Science – Policy Panel to support action on chemicals, waste and pollution -Submitted by Costa Rica, Switzerland, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and Uruguay

United Nations Environment Programme ; United Nations Environment Programme (15/11/2021)

Chemical pollution is a global threat that warrants global action. At the 5th United Nations Environment Assembly meeting (UNEA5) in 2021, governments prioritized pollution for UNEP’s work in 2022–2025, along side climate change and biodiversity. Science is central to achieving successful action on chemicals, waste and pollution. Based on resolution submitted by the African Group and Switzerland, UNEA 4 recognised that science is needed to set priorities, for policymaking and to monitor progress: science-based decision-making should be promoted at all levels, and that the science-policy interface (SPI) needs to be strengthened.

Concept note

Draft document
