Meeting Reports and Proceedings: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 129
Listening to the People: Social Aspects of Dryland Management - Proceedings of an International Workshop
(1993-12)The workshop on "Listening to the People: Social Aspects of Dry-Land Management" was organized to develop a better understanding of community participation' and 'bottom-up development'. There is a great deal of discussion ... -
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS): Proceedings of the Third Meeting of the Conference of the Parties
(1993-09)The Proceedings of the Third Meeting of the Conference of the Parties include the report of the meeting, the resolutions adopted by the Conference of the Parties, and summary reports of the work of the three sessional ... -
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS): Proceedings of the Third Meeting of the Conference of the Parties
(1993-09)Part I of this Addendum to the Proceedings of the Third Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (Geneva, 1991) contains all of the reports received from Parties prior to and during that meeting. They have been reproduced ... -
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS): Proceedings of the Fourth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties
(1994-06)Part I of this Addendum to the Proceedings of the Fourth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (Nairobi, 1994) contains all of the reports on implementation received from Parties prior to and during that meeting. They ... -
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS): Proceedings of the Second Meeting of the Conference of the Parties
(1988-10)The second meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the 1979 Bonn Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) was convened by the Secretariat in accordance with the provision of Article ... -
Second Meeting of the Earthwatch Working Party
(1995-03)The second meeting of the Earthwatch Working Party was convened by UNEP at its offices in Geneva on 22-23 March 1995, with Earthwatch focal points and other representatives of agencies and organizations of the UN system ... -
Rapport du Seminaire sur les Etudes de L’impact sur L'environnement
(1996-02)Le séminaire international sur les etudes d'impact sur I'environnement, organisé par Ia Banque islamique de développement (BID), le programme des Nations Unies pour I'environnement (PNUE) etla Banque gabonaise de développement ... -
Needs and Specifications for a Biodiversity Information Network : Proceedings of an International Workshop
(1992-10)This volume records the Proceedings of an international workshop co-sponsored by UNEP, IUBS, IUMS and WFCC to discuss the needs and specifications of a biodiversity information network. The Proceedings include the ... -
Proceedings of a Workshop on Assessing Technologies and Management Systems for Agriculture and Forestry in Relation to Global Climate Change
(1992-01)The theme of the Canberra workshop was the minimization of net greenhouse gas emissions from forests and agriculture. -
Environment, Sustainable Development and Human Health - International Seminar
(1995-02)The objective of the Seminar is to highlight the nexus between health, environment and development and to suggest concrete measures for sustainable health in the region. -
Atelier sous-régional sur la qualité des eaux
(1995-03)Les problèmes que posent Ia degradation permanente de La qualité de l'eau dans le monde sont d'une importance capitale sur la sante des habitants de la planète. Outre le fait que la population augmente, que les développements ... -
Phosphorus Cycles in Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems: Regional Workshop 3 - South and Central America
(1991-01)The primary focus of this project will be to integrate and synthesize information on phosphorus in diverse environments with emphasis on the flows of phosphorus between terrestrial systems, ground waters, rivers, lakes, ... -
Listening to the People: Social Aspects of Dryland Management - Proceedings of an International Workshop
(1993-12)The papers presented at this workshop and the ensuing discussions have led to the formulation of recommendations that need to be implemented in order to achieve good land use management and sustainable development. This ... -
Technical Workshop to Explore Options for Global Forestry Management: Proceedings
(1991-04)The conservation and sustainable management of forest resources is attracting increasing attention worldwide. Forests serve a wide variety of functions at local, national and global levels. The forest issue is high on the ... -
Report of the UNEP-HEM/WCMC/GCTE Preparatory Meeting: Vegetation Classification - GEMS Report Series No. 19
(1993-07)Participants met to discuss the need for an improved vegetation classification scheme for global mapping and monitoring, the requirements for such a scheme, the most promising approach to be used, and how best to proceed. ... -
Report of the Expert Group Meeting Towards the Design for a Meta-Database for the Harmonization of Environmental Measurement : GEMS Report Series No. 10
(1991-06)The purpose of assembling the Expert Group was to address the first of the identified long-term goals, that is, the establishment of a HEM metadatabase. The discussion paper, "A Metadatabase for Harmonization of Environmental ... -
The Impact of Large Water Projects on the Environment - Proceedings of an International Symposium
(1990-10)Besides the expected benefits, water projects may also have unfavorable effects on the hydrological regime, on the environment in general and on health and living conditions of the populations concerned. -
Third International Conference of the UNEP Insurance Initiative: Environmental Tools for the Insurance and Financial Industries
(1998-06)Environmental Tools for the Insurance and Financial Industries -
Regional Workshop on Water Resources Assessment and Integrated Management : Water Supply and Pollution Control
(1995-11)The Workshop was aimed at the exchange of experiences in the field of water resources assessment, integrated management, water supply and pollution control among countries in the region and international Organizations. The ... -
The Przewalski Horse and Restoration to its Natural Habitat in Mongolia: FAO Animal Production and Health Paper 61
(1986-05)The objective of the meeting was to draw up an action plan for the reintroduction of the Przewalski Horse to Mongolia.