Discussion Papers, Concepts and Proposals
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Glossary (Proposal and Comments) - [UNEP/EC Project Identifying and quantifying plastic contaminant sources and leakages into the aquatic environment]
(2025-02)This glossary was developed within the context of the project: “UNEP/EC Project Identifying and quantifying plastic contaminant sources and leakages into the aquatic environment”. The document contains proposals for terms ... -
Call for Project Proposals - Joint implementation with the United Nations Environment Programme Regional Office for West Asia (UNEP-ROWA) for work related to the triple planetary environmental crises
(2025-02)This Partnership Cooperation supports the United Nations Environment Programme Regional Office for West Asia (UNEP-ROWA) in implementing specific projects. -
Concept Note: Mission to Namibia to Build Pilot National Economy-Wide Material Flow Accounts (EW-MFA)
(2024-10)The mission to Namibia is part of the ongoing efforts developed under the project titled "Resilient and Agile National Statistical Systems to Meet Post-COVID-19 Data Needs to Recover Better". This project is supported by ... -
Mid-Way Stock-Taking of the implementation of the Intergovernmental and Multi- stakeholder Advisory Group Mandate in the GEO-7 Process
(2024-11)In accordance with the resolution entitled the “Future of the Global Environment Outlook” adopted by Member States at the resumed fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5), the GEO-7 process should ... -
[Call for Project Proposals]: EmPower - Women for Climate Resilient Societies Programme - Template 1: Call for Project Proposals – Implementation Partnerships, Not-for-profit entities [South Asia Accelerator Programme and Blended Finance Facility]
(2024-11)To receive project proposals that can assist in the implementation of the second phase of EmPower: Women for Climate Resilient Societies Programme. The Programme is seeking proposals to provide technical assistance ... -
Call for Project Proposals (CfP) [Green Finance Landscape Analysis]: Implementation Partnerships, Not-for-profit entities - EmPower II: Women for Climate Resilient Societies Phase II Climate-Resilient Livelihoods and Renewable Energy Access in Indonesia
(2024-11)To receive project proposals that can assist in the implementation of EmPower II with expertise in gender equality, renewable energy, and financial inclusion. The goal is to identify partners capable of implementing project ... -
Call for Project Proposals (CfP): Implementation Partnerships, Not-for-profit entities - EmPower II: Women for Climate Resilient Societies Phase II: Empowerment of Women and Marginalized Groups in Climate-Resilient Livelihoods and Renewable Energy Access in Indonesia - November 2024
(2024-11)We seek proposals to assist in implementing EmPower II by leveraging expertise in gender equality, renewable energy, and financial inclusion. The goal is to partner with organizations capable of carrying out activities to ... -
Concept and Session Objectives - Accelerate climate action through regional cooperation on water, energy, food, and ecosystems
(2024)The session will focus on how regional cooperation can help countries to plan for effective climate mitigation and adaptation strategies, and a more efficient use of natural resources such as water, land, and energy in ... -
Event Concept Note - Water for Climate Action: Integrating Water Solutions into NDCs and NAPs
(2024-11)This event will serve as an opportunity to share good practices, experiences and lessons learned on water related measures for adaptation and mitigation. Speakers will present the latest scientific evidence on the impacts ... -
Water for Climate Action: Integrating Water Solutions into NDCs and NAPs [Agenda]
(2024-11)This event will serve as an opportunity to share good practices, experiences and lessons learned on water related measures for adaptation and mitigation. Speakers will present the latest scientific evidence on the impacts ... -
COP29 Water for Climate Action initiative: Enhancing ambition and enabling action on climate change and water nexus
(2024-11)The Initiative focuses on issues stemming from the climate and water nexus, in particular: - water scarcity and water security (availability, access and safe use) - water pollution, water quality and sanitation - ... -
COP29 Declaration on Water for Climate Action - [Declaration]
(2024-11)The COP29 Declaration on Water for Climate Action will launch the Baku Dialogue on Water for Climate Action (Baku Dialogue) to serve as a COP-to-COP collaboration platform fostering continuity and coherence on water-related ... -
Celebrating Water’s Lifeline for Climate, Nature, and People: COP29 Baku Dialogue on Water for Climate Action High-Level Launch Event
(2024-11)The Initiative focuses on issues stemming from the climate and water nexus, in particular: - water scarcity and water security (availability, access and safe use) - water pollution, water quality and sanitation - ... -
Concept Note - National Training Workshop: Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES 2013) in the Republic of South Sudan
(2024-10)Before South Sudan gained independence in 2011, the region faced severe environmental challenges due to decades of civil war, limited infrastructure, and weak governance. Conflict led to widespread displacement, deforestation, ... -
From Greed to Deeds– A Call to Action from the Faith Community to Global Leaders
(2024-09-25)Developed by the ImPACT Coalition for Faith-based Solutions as a Statement at the Summit of the Future -
Implementing Egypty's Blue Economy Roadmap: Marine and Coastal Project Concept Notes - SwitchMed II Project
(2024)This publication is a direct enactment of the key success considerations highlighted in the Blue Economy Roadmap. The roadmap emphasized the importance of creating a project catalogue to facilitate the implementation of ... -
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) for Agriculture & Food - Concept Note
(2014-02)The TEEB for Agriculture & Food Concept Note presents the case for and proposed outline content of a TEEB for Agriculture & Food study. The study would review the inter-dependencies between agriculture and food systems and ... -
Circular Economy, Pollution and Chemicals - Working Paper
(2024-07)The document describes the current impacts of pollution on health, ecosystems, and economies. It presents circular policy instruments which can help preventing and eliminating air, water, soil and chemicals pollution, and ... -
UNEP Foresight Trajectory: Methodological Approach, Rationale and Process [Working document]
(2024-06)This document provides a summary of key steps and a rationale for the approach and decisions taken to inform UNEP’s strategic foresight uplift and the activities carried out in support of the 2023-2024 foresight process. ...