Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • GEMS Ocean Newsletter -001 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2023-08)
      GEMS ocean newsletter
    • GEMS Ocean Newsletter No. 02 

      United Nations Environment Programme
      Featured topics: GEMS Ocean Current Activities; GEMS Ocean Planned Activities; GEMS Ocean Event Participation; Partnerships; Regional Engagements and Upcoming Events
    • GEO Matters January/February 2023 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2023-02)
      As requested by Member States in Resolution EA.5/3, UNEP initiated the preparation of the seventh edition of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO-7) assessment and its accompanying Summary for Policymakers, to be launched ...
    • GEO Matters March-April 2023 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2023-04)
      The Modelling and Scenarios and the Policy Responses and Solutions Pathways experts for GEO-7 met at its first in-person and hybrid workshop in Bangkok, Thailand from 8-10 March 2023. The Modelling and Scenarios workshop ...