Presentations and Webinars
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Managing Mercury along the Oil and Gas value Chains: Sharing of Experience and Best Practices
(2023-07)The Global Mercury Partnership, in cooperation with its Areas of Work on Mercury Supply and Storage as well as on Mercury Waste Management, organized an online session “Managing mercury along the oil and gas value chains: ... -
Module 3: Business & Human Rights (BHR) and Plastics
(2022-09)The primary learning objective of module 3 is to introduce learners to business and human rights frameworks, focusing on the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights and related tools. The module explores how a ... -
Module 2: Plastics, Human Rights & The Environment
(2022-09)The primary learning objective of module 2 is to introduce learners to the three key elements of the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment, and to explore how a human rights and environment framework can ... -
Module 1: The Human Rights Dimensions of the Plastics Crisis
(2022-09)The primary learning objective of module 1 is to introduce learners to the human rights impacts of each stage of the linear fossil fuel dependent plastics cycle. The module also briefly explains what a human rights-based ... -
34ème Journée Mondiale de la Préservation de la Couche d'Ozone Thème: « Le Protocole de Montréal pour que Nous, Nos Aliments et Nos Vaccins Restons au Frais" - Video
(2021)A brief video on Benin's World Ozone Day activities in 2021 -
Application of Environmental Law by National Courts and Tribunals: Presentation 10 - Resolving Environmental Disputes
(2006-10)UNEP’s Global Judges Programme was conceived in the context of strengthening the Rule of Law in the area of sustainable development. The Rule of Law comprises an intricately inter-linked chain of fundamental ideas including ... -
Application of Environmental Law by National Courts and Tribunals: Presentation 8 - Evidence in Environmental Cases
(2006-10)UNEP’s Global Judges Programme was conceived in the context of strengthening the Rule of Law in the area of sustainable development. The Rule of Law comprises an intricately inter-linked chain of fundamental ideas including ... -
Application of Environmental Law by National Courts and Tribunals: Presentation 7 - Managing Environmental Cases
(2006-10)UNEP’s Global Judges Programme was conceived in the context of strengthening the Rule of Law in the area of sustainable development. The Rule of Law comprises an intricately inter-linked chain of fundamental ideas including ... -
Application of Environmental Law by National Courts and Tribunals: Presentation 6 - How Environmental Cases Come Before Courts
(2006-10)UNEP’s Global Judges Programme was conceived in the context of strengthening the Rule of Law in the area of sustainable development. The Rule of Law comprises an intricately inter-linked chain of fundamental ideas including ... -
Application of Environmental Law by National Courts and Tribunals: Presentation 5 - Scope and Content of National Environmental Law
(2006-10)UNEP’s Global Judges Programme was conceived in the context of strengthening the Rule of Law in the area of sustainable development. The Rule of Law comprises an intricately inter-linked chain of fundamental ideas including ... -
Application of Environmental Law by National Courts and Tribunals: Presentation 4 - Scope and Content of Substantive Environmental Law
(2006-10)UNEP’s Global Judges Programme was conceived in the context of strengthening the Rule of Law in the area of sustainable development. The Rule of Law comprises an intricately inter-linked chain of fundamental ideas including ... -
Application of Environmental Law by National Courts and Tribunals: Presentation 3 - Role of the Judiciary in Promoting the Rule of Law in the Area of Sustainable Development
(2006-10)UNEP’s Global Judges Programme was conceived in the context of strengthening the Rule of Law in the area of sustainable development. The Rule of Law comprises an intricately inter-linked chain of fundamental ideas including ... -
Application of Environmental Law by National Courts and Tribunals: Presentation 2 - Major Environmental Problems
(2006-10)UNEP’s Global Judges Programme was conceived in the context of strengthening the Rule of Law in the area of sustainable development. The Rule of Law comprises an intricately inter-linked chain of fundamental ideas including ... -
Presentation at the 7th Global Meeting of the Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans by map
(2005-10)Presentation at the 7th Global Meeting of the Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans -
Norwegian Experiences on Phasing out the use of Dental Amalgam
(2011-01)Phasing out the use of dental amalgam. Work towards reducing and eliminating the use of amalgam as tooth restoring material started in the early 1990’s. The Norwegian Health Authorities made an inventory on practices in ...