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dc.contributorLaw Divisionen_US
dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programmeen_US
dc.descriptionIn this Issue: 1. Kigali Amendment latest ratification 2. Parties to the Montreal Protocol to meet in Montreal, Canada for the Thirty-Fourth Meeting of the Parties 3. What’s next for the Montreal Protocol as it marks its 35th anniversary? 4. Ozone hole grows this year, but still shrinking in general 5. African National Ozone Officers reunite at UNEP Headquarters in Nairobi 6. Casablanca-Based Union Seeks to End Dumping of Obsolete AC Units in Africa 7. ‘ColdHubs’ Enterprise Wins Harvard’s Roy Award for Environmental Partnership 8. La Tunisie ambitionne de réduire l’utilisation des HFC dans le secteur de réfrigération et de conditionnement de 80% en 2045 9. "Learning process"- Pacific Island Countries Network meeting for Ozone Officers in Fiji 10. The Philippines begins 3rd stage to phase out ODS 11. Australia is considering restrictions to reduce the high use of R404A in commercial refrigeration 12. California to Prohibit Sale of High-GWP HFCs from 2033 13. Former Miami Resident Sentenced for Smuggling Illegal Refrigerant from China to U.S. 14. Fluorinated Gases (F-Gas) Overview and Opportunities - Webinar 15. Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Meeting on Czech Republic’s Montreal Protocol Experience and preparation of Kigali HFC implementation plans (KIPs)en_US
dc.subjectOZONE LAYERen_US
dc.titleOzoNews Volume XXII - 15 October 2022en_US

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