Evaluation Synthesis Report 2020-2021 Management Response

UNEP Evaluation Office (2022-10)

This document contains the management response to the Evaluation Synthesis Report 2020-2021. In the response, the Management acknowledges the positive performance trend over the last 5 biennia within UNEP’s overall project performance and that more can be done on the 4 areas highlighted in the report, namely - 1. to strengthen the likelihood of impact, 2. to ensure achievement of project outcomes, 3. to promote sustainability, and 4. to improve on human rights and gender The response also outlines how UNEP has incorporated the evaluation findings and lessons learned from the three evaluations of high strategic importance: (i) the UNEP sub-programme on Environment under Review; (ii) UNEP’s enhanced coordination and implementation of the 10YFP and its programme; and (iii) the Review of Poverty Reduction.

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