Terminal Evaluation of the UNEP/GEF Project "Participatory Sustainable Land Management in the Grassland Plateaus of Western Madagascar" GEF ID Number: 5354

Evaluation Office of UNEP (2023-03)

This report is a Terminal Evaluation of a UNEP/GEF project implemented between 2016 and 2022. The project's objective was 'to reverse land degradation and improve living conditions in the Bongolava Region of Western Madagascar through participatory sustainable management of the grasslands'. The evaluation sought to assess project performance (in terms of relevance, effectiveness and efficiency), and determine outcomes and impacts (actual and potential) stemming from the project, including their sustainability. The evaluation has two primary purposes: (i) to provide evidence of results to meet accountability requirements, and (ii) to promote operational improvement, learning and knowledge sharing through results and lessons learned among UNEP, GEF and the main project partners. Therefore, the evaluation identifies lessons of operational relevance for future project formulation and implementation, especially where a second phase of the project is being considered. Recommendations relevant to the whole house have also been identified during the evaluation process.

Terminal Project Evaluations
