Evaluation of the Implementation of the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) Interagency Programme ‘Operational Strategy 2016-2020’

Evaluation Office of UNEP (2023-04)

This report is an evaluation of the ‘Operational Strategy 2016-2020’ of the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE), an interagency programme initiated in 2013 involving: International Labour Organisation (ILO), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), and United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). UNEP led the evaluation on behalf of the five participating United Nations agencies. PAGE’s overall development goal was that countries transform their economies to eradicate poverty, increase jobs and social equity, strengthen livelihoods and environmental stewardship, and sustain growth in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The evaluation assessed the performance of PAGE’s Operational Strategy 2016-2020 (in terms of its strategic relevance, effectiveness, and efficiency), and determine outcomes and impacts (actual and potential) stemming from its implementation, including their sustainability. The evaluation had three purposes; to: (i) meet accountability requirements; (ii) promote operational improvement and share knowledge for scaling-up results; iii) draw out recommendations and lessons to inform PAGE’s ongoing implementation under its Strategy 2021-2030. The audience for this report includes the above-mentioned implementing agencies; PAGE’s funders, including: the European Commission (EC) and the governments of Finland, Germany, Norway, Republic of Korea, Sweden, and Switzerland; and PAGE implementers and beneficiaries in its 20 Partner countries and provinces, listed in chronological order of joining PAGE since 2013: Mongolia, Peru, Senegal, Mauritius, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Jiangsu Province (China), South Africa, Barbados, Mato Grosso (Brazil), Kyrgyz Republic, Guyana, Uruguay, Argentina, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Morocco, and Thailand.

Terminal Project Evaluations
