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dc.contributorLaw Divisionen_US
dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programmeen_US
dc.descriptionIn this issue: 1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications 2. Sustainable ODS and HFC banks management through complementary action of the Climate Ozone Protection Alliance to the Multilateral Fund - Webinar 3. Reducing food loss and waste through sustainable food cold chains 4. Social media data shed light on air-conditioning interest of heat-vulnerable regions and sociodemographic groups 5. How cooling the world heats it up 6. Ozone and Climate protection in Burkina Faso 7. Training workshop for technicians of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sector 8. New Caribbean National Ozone Officers and Assistants trained on Montreal Protocol 9. La Argentina, entre los países que protegen la capa de ozono 10. Chair’s Summary of the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate Held by President Joe Biden (Excerpt) 11. Funding to help developing countries phase out use of damaging climate gases announced 12. Updated Guidance - Recovering ODS from equipment (UK) 13. Is R290 the solution to the F-gas problem? The heat pumps now using this non-toxic refrigerant 14. Georgia Parliament deliberating on the accession to the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal protocol on Substances that deplete the ozone layer 15. Guest Lecturing at the Yerevan State University on the topic of ozone layer and the Montreal Protocolen_US
dc.subjectOZONE LAYERen_US
dc.titleOzoNews Volume XXII - 30 April 2023en_US

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