Validated Terminal Review of the UNEP Project ‘Promotion and Delivery of Environmentally Sound Waste Management Technologies and Methods and in-Country Technical and Advisory Support’ (PIMS ID 02010) 2018-2023

Evaluation Office of UNEP (2024-07)

This report is a management-led Terminal Review of a UNEP-IETC project implemented between May 2018 and June 2023. The project's overall development goal was to support national and local governments to improve waste management through knowledge, in-country technical & advisory support, and outreach and awareness raising. The review sought to assess project performance (in terms of relevance, effectiveness, and efficiency), and determine outcomes and impacts (actual and potential) stemming from the project, including their sustainability. The review has two primary purposes: (i) to provide evidence of results to meet accountability requirements, and (ii) to promote learning, feedback, and knowledge sharing through results and lessons learned among UNEP, Government of Japan, EU-Delegation Barbados, Global Environment Centre Foundation, GIZ-Mitigation Action Facility, International Climate Initiative, Norway, Petroleum Development Oman, Sida, UNDAF, UN-Habitat, and the relevant agencies of the project participating countries.

Validated Management-led Terminal Project Reviews