Browsing Publications and Documents by Topic "Environmental Governance"
Now showing items 1-20 of 31
Address Directory of INFOTERRA National Focal Points
(1994)Infoterra is UNEPs main channel of international environmental information exchange. -
Annotated Provisional Agenda - African Ministerial Conference on the Environment - Seventeenth Session, Expert Segment
(2019-10)Annotated provisional agenda- Expert segment -
Cold Chain 4 Life: The Cold Chain Connects the World - [120 x 600 (3.175 x 15.875cm) Banner]
(2020)World Refrigeration Day is a celebration on 26 June every year. This year the celebration is campaigning to address the importance of the Cold Chain sector and its vital contribution to food safety and security as well as ... -
Cold Chain 4 Life: The Cold Chain Connects the World - [728 x 90 (19.262 x 2.381cm) Banner]
(2020)World Refrigeration Day is a celebration on 26 June every year. This year the celebration is campaigning to address the importance of the Cold Chain sector and its vital contribution to food safety and security as well as ... -
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS): Proceedings of the Fourth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties - Nairobi, Kenya, 7-11 June 1994
(1994)The Conference of the Parties, the decision-making organ of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), normally meets at intervals of not more than three years, unless the Conference ... -
Dams and Development Project Phase One Final Report: November 2001 - December 2004
(2005)The Dams and Development Project is a time-bound United Nations Environment Programme activity aiming 'to promote a dialogue on improving decision-making, planning and management of dams and their alternatives based on the ... -
Departamento para el Manejo Ambientalmente Racional de Productos Químicos y Desechos Peligrosos en Guatemala Área del Protocolo de Montreal
(Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Guatemala, 2019-09)2019 World Ozone Day activities in Guatemala Informe de actividades sobre la Celebración de los 32 años de recuperación de la Capa de Ozono por el Día Internacional del Ozono en el Municipio de Morales, Izabal durante ... -
“Dia Internacional de la Preservación de la Capa de Ozono"
(2019-09)2019 World Ozone Day activities in Peru -
Implementing the African Elephant Action Plan: East Africa Projects
(2018) -
Implementing the African Elephant Action Plan: West Africa Projects
(2018) -
Lifestyles, Environment and Development: A European Perspective - UNEP Reports and Proceedings Series 4
(1982)International discussions on development experience and policies over the last decade appears to suggest that past development patterns in industrialized and developing countries alike have not adequately met social goals. -
Management of Mercury and Mercury-Containing Waste - Final Project Report
(2010)This project deals with the management of mercury and mercury-containing waste and will contribute to the UNEP priority area on harmful substances and hazardous waste under its Medium Term Strategy with the ultimate goal ... -
Message on the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer "Marking the 30th Anniversary of the Montreal Protocol" - 16 September 2017
(2017)The Secretary General's International Ozone Day message 2017 -
Outline for the First Global Integrated Marine Assessment of the Regular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, including Socio-economic Aspects
(2015)Highlights of the most significant conclusions aim to bring out: (a) The way in which the assessment has been carried out; (b) Overall assessment of the scale of human impact on the oceans and the overall value of the ... -
Proceedings of the United Nations Environment Assembly at its Third session
(2017)The multi-stakeholder dialogue focused on the topic “people and pollution”. The session was introduced by five panellists who spoke about how pollution affected their lives and how to identify relevant solutions for various ... -
Project Document: The Western Indian Ocean Large Marine Ecosystems Strategic Action Programme Policy Harmonisation and Institutional Reforms (WIO LME SAPPHIRE)
(2016-05)This Project builds on the previous work completed under the UNDP supported GEF financed Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems (ASCLME) Project in close collaboration with a number of partners. The ASCLME ... -
Promoting Low-GWP Refrigerants for Air-Conditioning Sectors in High Ambient temperature Countries Phase II (PRAHA-II) - Project Report
(2019)PRAHA-II is a continuation of the process with specific goals that are aligned with the findings of PRAHAI. The two main findings of PRAHA-I are that, 1) there are viable alternatives at High Ambient Temperature (HAT) ... -
Promoting Low-GWP Refrigerants for Air-Conditioning Sectors in High-Ambient Temperature Countries (PRAHA)
(2016)The project was implemented at the regional level in consultation with National Ozone Units of the Gulf Coordination Council (GCC) countries, namely Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE plus Iraq, to ...