Publications and Documents: Recent submissions
Now showing items 621-640 of 5104
Outcomes Document of the fifth Policy Effectiveness Authors Meeting of the Global Environment Outlook - Freie Universitaet, Berlin, June 13-15, 2018
(2019)A selected group of the Policy Effectiveness authors met at the Freie Universitaet, Berlin to advance the drafting of several elements of the Policy Effectiveness chapters of the sixth Global Environment Outlook. -
Circular Economy & the Sustainable Management of Minerals & Metal Resources: Side Event
(2019)Launch of UNEP Interactive Platform - Building Circularity -
Conference de plénipotentiaires des Etats côtiers de la region méditerranéenne sur la protection de la mer Méditerranée
(1976)Conference de plénipotentiaires des Etats côtiers de la region méditerranéenne sur la protection de la mer Méditerranée -
La Mise au Point et l'Application de la Lutte Integree Contre les Ravageurs Agricoles: Un Programme Mondial Conjoint FAO/PNUE - Rapport d'une Session ad hoc du Groupe FAO d'Experts de la Lutte Integree Contre les Ravageurs
(1974)La session a été consacrée surtout a l'elaboration d'un Programme mondial conjoint pour la mise au point at l'application des techniques de lutte intégree contre les ravageurs agricoles. -
El Desarrollo y Application del Control Intergrado de Plagas en la Agricultura: Formulación de un Programa Cooperativo Global - Informe de la Reunion Especial del Cuadro de Expertos de Ia FAO en Control Inegrado de las Plagas
(1974)El tema principal de la Reuniön fue la elaboración de un prograina cooperativo global para el desarrollo y la aplicac16n del control integrado de plagas en la agricultura. -
Consulta de Expertos Sobre el Proyecto Conjunto Coordinado Relativo a Ia Contaminacion en el Mediterraneo: Informe Resumido de Ia Reunion Celebrada
(1975)La consulta estaba encargada de preparar los documentos operacionales de dos proyactos experimentales: estudios basicos y vigilancia del aceite y los hidrocarburos del petroleo en eguas marinas y problemas del transporte ... -
Report on Activities Undertaken within the Global Mercury Partnership of the United Nations Environment Programme - Note by the Secretariat
(2019)Report on activities undertaken within the Global Mercury Partnership of the United Nations Environment Programme -
Proposals for Updates to the UNEP Global Mercury Partnership Overarching Framework
(2019)The Secretariat of the Global Mercury Partnership would like to propose updates to the current version of the Overarching Framework, to reflect a number of evolutions, including the adoption and entry into force of the ... -
Annotated Provisional Agenda - UNEP Global Mercury Partnership Advisory Group - Tenth meeting
(2019) -
Provisional Agenda - UNEP Global Mercury Partnership Advisory Group - Tenth meeting
(2019) -
Rapport de la Deuxieme Reunion Des Directeurs De Recherches Sur L'ozone Des Parties a la Convention De Vienne Pour La Protection le la Couche D'ozone
(1993)Rapport de la Deuxieme Reunion Des Directeurs De Recherches Sur L'ozone Des Parties a la Convention De Vienne Pour La Protection le la Couche D'ozone -
UNEP OzonAction Fosters Ties with Global HVAC&R Associations in the Margins of MOP-31
(2019)At the 31st Meeting of Parties to the Montreal Protocol (MOP-31), UNEP OzonAction convened, in cooperation with industry partners, several technical side-events showcasing the different initiatives and products that were ... -
Meeting of the Working Group on Marine Litter - Meeting Report
(2019)The Meeting of the Working Group on Marine Litter (WG ML) took place on 17-18 June 2019 preceding the 24th Intergovernmental Meeting (IGM 24) of the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA) in Bali, Indonesia. ...