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Outcomes of Geneva Multistakeholders Dialogue on the preparations of the Second Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly

dc.contributorGovernance Affairs Officeen_US
dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programmeen_US
dc.descriptionUNEA-2 will feature a number of high-level events on areas of expertise of International Geneva. A briefing and multi-stakeholder dialogue on preparations for UNEA-2 for Geneva-based Permanent Missions, Inter-governmental organizations and civil society was organized by the Geneva Environment Network, UNEP Regional Office for Europe and the United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (UN-NGLS). The event took place on Monday 4 April 2016, at the International Environment House II. The meeting was opened by a general introduction to the preparations of UNEA-2, and an exchange on how Geneva-based government missions and civil society can engage in this event and beyond. It was followed by a series of panel discussions on the main themes of UNEA-2, linking to areas of expertise of International Geneva, namely: » Delivering on the Environmental Dimension of the 2030 Agenda (the overarching theme of UNEA-2) » Healthy Environment, Healthy People » Mobilizing Resources for Sustainable Investments » Environment and Displacement: Root Causes and Implicationsen_US
dc.subject.classificationEnvironmental Governanceen_US
dc.titleOutcomes of Geneva Multistakeholders Dialogue on the preparations of the Second Session of the United Nations Environment Assemblyen_US
wd.identifier.collectionPublications and Documentsen_US

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