Business and Industry Intervention on Marine Debris

United Nations Environment Programme (2014)

Business and Industry Intervention on Marine Debris The business and industry major group thanks Norway for introducing this draft decision, and Norway’s emphasis on the need for science-based approaches to marine debris. Business recognizes the challenges to the health of the oceans posed by all forms of marine pollution, including plastics, and strongly believes that there is no place for marine litter of any kind in the oceans. It is essential, however, as recognized at Rio+20, for the global community to address all forms of marine pollution, and we are concerned that the draft decision singles out plastics over other forms of marine debris. Existing mechanisms cited in the draft decision address all forms of marine litter, recognizing that much of marine pollution result from inadequate approaches to waste management on land. In addition, we are concerned that the draft decision calls for a further study when the GESAMP study, which includes a focus on plastics issues, has yet to be completed. As one of the financial supporters of the GESAMP study, we encourage governments to consider and build on the outcomes of this study when deciding on future work in this area.

Meeting report/proceedings

