dc.contributor.author | UNEP/MAP | |
dc.date | 2019 | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2020-02-03T16:19:02Z | |
dc.date.available | 2020-02-03T16:19:02Z | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11822/31339 | |
dc.language | [English, French] | |
dc.title | Thirteenth Meeting of the Focal Points of the Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC) | |
dc.type | Agendas Meeting documents and minutes of meetings | |
unepmap.admin.meeting-code | 45 | |
unepmap.admin.original-document-number | *NONE | |
unepmap.identifier.rights | PUBLIC | |
unepmap.meeting.body | Focal Points - REMPEC | |
unepmap.meeting.date-en | 11-13 June 2019 | |
unepmap.meeting.date-end | 2019-06-13 00:00:00 | |
unepmap.meeting.date-fr | 11-13 juin 2019 | |
unepmap.meeting.date-start | 2019-06-11 00:00:00 | |
unepmap.meeting.document-code | REMPEC/WG.45/Inf.03 | |
unepmap.meeting.document-keywords | POLLUTION FROM SHIPS | |
unepmap.meeting.document-languages | English | |
unepmap.meeting.document-languages | French | |
unepmap.meeting.documents-subject | BCP/PROTOCOL EMERGENCY - REGIONAL STRATEGIES - NAPs | |
unepmap.meeting.document-title | Guidance Document for the preparation of National Action Plans for the implementation of the Regional Strategy for Prevention of and Response to Marine Pollution from Ships (2016-2021) | |
unepmap.meeting.document-title-fr | Document d'orientation pour la préparation des plans d'action nationaux de mise en œuvre de la Stratégie régionale pour la prévention et la lutte contre la pollution marine provenant des navires (2016-2021) | |
unepmap.meeting.document-type | ALL Information documents | |
unepmap.meeting.location-en | Malta | |
unepmap.meeting.location-fr | Malte | |
unepmap.meeting.number | REMPEC/WG.45 | |
unepmap.meeting.organizer | RAC-REMPEC | |
wd.title.fr | Treizième réunion des correspondants du Centre régional méditerranéen pour l'intervention d'urgence contre la pollution marine accidentelle (REMPEC) | |