Roadmap for intersessional work for the ad hoc open-ended expert group on marine litter and microplastics
The Bureau of the ad hoc open-ended expert group on marine litter and microplastic (AHEG) decided at its meeting of 25 March 20191, to postpone the fourth session of the AHEG (AHEG-4) initially scheduled for 4-8 May 2019. This decision was taken due to the current situation with the COVID-19. In light of this decision, and with a view to facilitate further progress under the expert group despite the postponement of the fourth session, the Secretariat has prepared, in close consultation with the Bureau of the expert group, an intersessional roadmap of virtual meetings and other activities. The roadmap has been designed to allow for further discussions and engagement amongst participants of the expert group as well as to encourage additional submissions to the stocktaking (resolution 4/6 subparagraph 7a) and potential response options (resolution 4/6 subparagraph 10d) in particular. As outlined in the roadmap, and taking into account a survey conducted by the
Background Document
Working Document