Terminal evaluation of the UN Environment Project: Delivering Sustainable Development and Enabling the Transition to Greener Economies through Sustainable Public Procurement
This report is a terminal evaluation of the UNEP project ‘Delivering Sustainable Development and Enabling the Transition to Greener Economies through Sustainable Public Procurement’. Two sub-projects were implemented under this project title: ‘Stimulating the Demand and Sup-ply of Sustainable Products through Sustainable Public Procurement and Ecolabelling’ (SPPEL), and ‘Strengthening the Capacities and Improving the Knowledge on Green Public Pro-curement and Ecolabelling in the ASEAN+3 Region’ (ASEAN+3). SPPEL aimed at combining ecolabelling and sustainable public procurement (SPP) to achieve maximum synergies in stimulating the demand and supply of sustainable products; the ASEAN+3 project aimed at strengthening SPP and ecolabelling in the ASEAN region. The work was funded by the Europe-an Commission, China, Korea, the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, Norway, USA, Swe-den and Germany.
Terminal Project Evaluations