dc.contributor.author | UNEP/MAP | |
dc.date | 2017 | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2021-04-02T17:39:08Z | |
dc.date.available | 2021-04-02T17:39:08Z | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://wedocs.unep.org/20.500.11822/35666 | |
dc.language | [English, French] | |
dc.title | 11th Meeting of SCP/RAC National Focal Points | |
dc.type | Agendas Meeting documents and minutes of meetings | |
unepmap.admin.meeting-code | 437 | |
unepmap.identifier.rights | PUBLIC | |
unepmap.meeting.body | Focal Points - SCP-RAC | |
unepmap.meeting.date-en | 3-4 May 2017 | |
unepmap.meeting.date-end | 2017-05-03 00:00:00 | |
unepmap.meeting.date-fr | 3-4 mai 2017 | |
unepmap.meeting.date-start | 2017-05-03 00:00:00 | |
unepmap.meeting.document-code | UNEP(DEPI)/MED WG.437/4 | |
unepmap.meeting.document-languages | English | |
unepmap.meeting.document-languages | French | |
unepmap.meeting.document-title | SCP Indicators Framework for the Regional Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production in the Mediterranean | |
unepmap.meeting.document-title-fr | Cadre des indicateurs de CPD pour le Plan d'action régional pour une consommation et une production durables en Méditerranée | |
unepmap.meeting.document-type | ALL Working documents | |
unepmap.meeting.location-en | Barcelona (Spain) | |
unepmap.meeting.location-fr | Barcelone (Espagne) | |
unepmap.meeting.number | UNEP(DEPI)/MED WG.437 | |
unepmap.meeting.organizer | RAC-SCP | |
wd.title.fr | 11ème Réunion des Points focaux nationaux du CAR/CPD | |