Library Catalog: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1021-1040 of 1446
(L'Office, 1994)
Guía de Majores Técnicas Disponibles en España de fabricació´n de cemento
(Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, 2003)
Technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of waste lead-acid batteries
(The Convention, 2003)
Report on the fifth workshop on the systemic sustainability analysis within CAMP "Malta", 14th - 15th May 2001
(UNEP-MAP/BP-RAC, May 2001)
Marine Microbial Diversity and its role in Ecosystem Gunctioning and Environmental Change
(Marine Board, May 2012)
Marine Board Annual Activity Report 2011
(Marine Board, 2012)
The EIB and Climate Change (summary sheet)
(European Investment Bank (EIB), Jun-10)
FEMIP and the energy challenge in the Mediterranean (summary sheet)
(European Investment Bank (EIB), Jun-10)
FEMIP Study on the Financing of Renewable Energy Investment in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Region (Summary Report)
(European Investment Bank (EIB), Aug-10)
Rapport environnement et développement en Méditerranée: Partie 2 Chapitre - Eau et développement durable
(PNUE/PAM/CAR/PB, Juin 2003)
Specially Protected Areas in the Mediterranean: Assessment and Perspectives
Rapport environnement et développement en Méditerranée: Partie 2 Chapitre - Villes et espaces urbains: Draft
(PNUE/PAM/CAR/PB, Juin 2003)
Future positive: international cooperation in the 21st Century
(Earthscan, 1999)
Recent state of demersal resources in the Adriatic Sea
(Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries Split Croatia, 2012)