Library Catalog: Recent submissions
Now showing items 461-480 of 1447
Overview of the Mediterranean Basin (development and environment)
Test Marocain des indicateurs de développement durable: rapport final
(Observatoire National de l'Environnement, Janvier 20)
Just sustainabilities: development in an unequal world
(James & James, 2003)
Resilience and the behavior of large scale systems
(Island Press, 2002)
Land accounts for Europe 1990-2000 : towards integrated land and ecosystem accounting
(European Environment Afency (EEA), 2006)
Global environmental risk
(United Nations University Press, 2001)
Strategies toward sustainable development: implementing Agenda 21
(Oceana Publications, 2004)
Strategic environmental assessment in action
(Earthscan, 2003)
Resilience Thinking: sustaining ecosystems and people in a changing world
(Island Press, 2006)
Cities in a globalizing world: global report on human settlements 2001
(Earthscan, 2001)
Regional workshop on environmental performance indicators, Damascus, Syria, 11-14/1/1996
Togu and the Trees of Life
(UNEP, November 2)