Library Catalog: Recent submissions
Now showing items 561-580 of 1446
Stemming decline of the coastal ocean rethinking environmental management
(United Nations University, 2008)
Textbook on international law
(Blackstone Press, 2005)
Designing international environmental agreements: incentive compatible strategies for cost-effective cooperation
(Edward Elgar Publishing, 2000)
Statistiques Environnementales au Maroc
(The Directorate, Novembre 2)
Law terminology in English, French and Spanish: volume 2: I - Z
(United Nations, 1990)
Natural allies: UNEP and civil society
(UNEP, 2004)
Law terminology in English, French and Spanish: volume 1: A - H
(United Nations, 1990)
Compendium statistique national sur l'environnement
(The Institute, 2002)