Library Catalog: Recent submissions
Now showing items 761-780 of 1446
Second Meeting of the Working Group to prepare the text of the ICAM Protocol (Athens, 4-5 January 2005) : Report
(UNEP/MAP/RAC-PAP, January 20)
Conceptual framework and planning guidelines for integrated coastal area and river basin management
Environmental taxes in the SEMC: efficiency and socio - economic impacts: the case of Egypt (draft version)
(UNEP-MAP/BP-RAC, June 2002)
Global environmental outlook 2000 (GEO - 2000): UNEP's millenium report on the environment
(Earthscan Publications Ltd, 1999)
(UNEP/MAP/RAC-PAP, March 1999)
Monitoring du site de ponte de la tortue marine Caretta caretta aux îsles Kuriat Campagne 2003
(SPA RAC, Décembre 2)
Environmental Performance Reviews: Bosnia - Herzegovina
(UN/ECE, 2004)