United Nations Environment Programme (17/06/2022)

We, Indigenous Peoples attending the Stockholm+50 that commemorates the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment and that marks 50 years of global environmental action, after listening to the contributions in the program, present the following Declaration. We acknowledge that since the first Stockholm Human Environment conference in June 1972 50 years ago, there has been some progress. However, humanity has failed to comply with many commitments regarding the environment. States has not yet delivered fully on the promise of the first Stockholm conference. We cannot afford to not deliver at this one. We all face climate change, loss of biodiversity, hunger, land degradations, soil erosion, water scarcity and pollution, among other issues troubling humanity. The degradation of our environment is threatening our lives, our well-being and our safety. And it is threatening the lives, well-being and safety of our children.

