Now showing items 1-20 of 28

    • Arendal II Workshop Report - UNEP and CGIAR Cooperation on Data, Capacity Building and Networking Needs for the Use of Geographical Information Systems in Agricultural Research 

      United Nations Environment Programme; GRID-Arendal (1995)
      The primary objective of the workshop was to provide a sound basis for project planning and implementation. With this in mind and with the indicated directions emerging from the Washington meeting, the main thrusts of ...
    • Biofuels Vital Graphics: Powering a Green Economy 

      United Nations Environment Programme; GRID-Arendal (2011)
      Issues related to biofuels are complex and interconnected: they require solid planning and balancing of objectives and trade-offs. Safeguards are needed and special emphasis should be given to options that help mitigate ...
    • A Case of Benign Neglect: Knowledge Gaps about Sustainability in Pastoralism and Rangelands 

      United Nations Environment Programme; GRID-Arendal (2019)
      This report directly responds to one of the resolutions approved at the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) in May 2016, which acknowledges the dearth of information on pastoralism and rangelands. The resolution ...
    • Drowning in Plastics: Marine Litter and Plastic Waste Vital Graphics 

      United Nations Environment Programme; GRID-Arendal; Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm Conventions (2021)
      This publication aims to provide a complete overview of the global challenges related to marine litter and plastic waste through a combination of condensed descriptions of key thematic areas and graphic illustrations that ...
    • Environment and security in the Amu Darya basin 

      United Nations Environment Programme; GRID-Arendal; Zoi Environment Network (2011)
      The prime aim of this report is to identify the environmental stress points in the Amu Darya basin which have, or may have, security repercussions for the states and population.The report then suggests solutions to the ...
    • Feasibility Study for the Establishment of a UNEP/GRID-Compatible Environmental Information Network in Hungary 

      United Nations Environment Programme; GRID-Arendal (1995)
      This feasibility report assesses the environmental information systems capacities and needs in Hungary, and proposes actions necessary for strengthening the existing capacities to improve access to environmental information ...
    • Future Imperfect: Climate Change and Adaptation in the Carpathians 

      United Nations Environment Programme; GRID-Arendal; European Commission (2014)
      This synthesis report is directed at policy makers and the public in the Carpathian region. It brings together important findings and recommendations about cli- mate change impacts and adaptation from three linked research ...
    • Gender and Waste Nexus: Experiences from Bhutan, Mongolia and Nepal 

      United Nations Environment Programme; GRID-Arendal (2019)
      Over the past few years, the issue of gender in waste management has received increasing attention, highlighting that waste production and management is not gender neutral. In fact, existing gender inequalities, responsibilities ...
    • Gender and Waste Nexus: Experiences from Bhutan, Mongolia and Nepal - Policy Brief 

      United Nations Environment Programme; GRID-Arendal (2019)
    • Global Linkages: A Graphic Look at the Changing Arctic 

      United Nations Environment Programme
      The new report “Global Linkages – A graphic look at the changing Arctic”, produced by UN Environment and its collaborating center GRID-Arendal, is a set of maps and graphics, accompanied by short narratives to synthesize ...
    • The Illegal Trade in Chemicals 

      United Nations Environment Programme; GRID-Arendal (2020)
      Chemicals provide important benefits to society and play a vital role in the global economy, but they also carry risks for the environment and human health, with greater risks to vulnerable social groups. Chemicals can ...
    • The Little Book of Green Nudges: 40 Nudges to Spark Sustainable Behaviour on Campus 

      United Nations Environment Programme; GRID-Arendal; Behavioural Insights Team (2020)
      The higher education community has unique opportunities to influence the citizens of tomorrow and to test nudges in real-world laboratories. “The Little Book of Green Nudges” shares a practical framework and 40 nudges ...
    • Many Strong Voices – Turning Vulnerability into Strength 

      United Nations Environment Programme; GRID-Arendal; Center for International Climate and Environmental Research (2010)
      The goal of Many Strong Voices is to promote the well-being, security, and sustainability of coastal communities in the Arctic and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) by bringing these regions together to take action on ...
    • Mountains ADAPT: Solutions from the South Caucasus 

      United Nations Environment Programme; GRID-Arendal
      This booklet showcases adaptation solutions proven to be successful in response to specific issues caused, or accelerated by, climate change that negatively affect mountain communities’ livelihoods and ecosystems. These ...
    • Out of the Blue: The Value of Seagrasses to the Environment and to People 

      United Nations Environment Programme; GRID-Arendal; United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (2020)
      Seagrasses are an often overlooked but vital part of the seascape. While they have been described as the ‘lungs’ and ‘ecosystem engineers’ of the sea, their contributions to planetary health and human well-being are not ...
    • Outlook on Climate Change Adaptation in the Hindu Kush Himalaya 

      United Nations Environment Programme; GRID-Arendal; International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (2018)
      The Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) is one of the most vulnerable regions in the world to the impacts of climate change. Wide-ranging threats are already impacting ecosystems and millions of people living in the region and ...
    • Outlook on Climate Change Adaptation in the South Caucasus Mountains 

      United Nations Environment Programme; GRID-Arendal (2015)
      T This outlook has been prepared to review and synthesize the existing climate change adaptation responses in the South Caucasus mountain region. It was undertaken in the context of the South Caucasus component of the ...
    • Planet in peril: Atlas of current threats to people and the environment 

      United Nations Environment Programme; GRID-Arendal (UNEP, 2006)
      This Atlas illustrates through texts and beautifully rendered maps, graphics and diagrams a holistic and well-researched analysis of today’s global issues and their impact on human population and the environment. Written ...
    • Plastics in Agriculture: Sources and Impacts - Working Paper 

      United Nations Environment Programme; GRID-Arendal (2021-12)
      This working paper is an initial assessment of the potential impact of plastics used in agriculture. The paper focuses primarily on identifying sources of plastics and examining the fate of plastic residue in agricultural ...
    • Sanitation and Wastewater Atlas of Africa 

      United Nations Environment Programme; African Development Bank; GRID-Arendal
      Sanitation, including the proper management of wastewater, is central to ensuring human and ecosystem health, and economic and environmental benefits. While significant efforts are being made across Africa to ensure ...