Evaluation Synthesis Report 2022-2023

Evaluation Office of UNEP (2024-03)

Evaluation Synthesis Reports

The Evaluation Synthesis Report 2022-2023 summarises findings derived from the work of the UNEP’s Evaluation Office in 2022 and 2023. The biennial programme of evaluations includes with its focus: subprogramme and policy level evaluations; evaluation of completed projects; validation of project level management-led Terminal Reviews; the development of performance assessment methods; reporting and communicating findings and results; and evaluation follow-up and recommendation compliance. All these activities are undertaken in a fully independent manner. The Evaluation Office regularly engages with the Executive Director and the Senior Management Team with evaluation being a regular part of UNEP’s Quarterly Business Review. The report highlights the performance trends across 46 UNEP project that were evaluated during the period and sets them in the context of project performance trends across five biennia. The report also reviews evaluation recommendation compliance, presents findings from a special study on project design quality, and performance of the Evaluation Office. Full Report available in English, Executive Summary available in French and Spanish.
