Now showing items 1-15 of 15

    • Annual consolidated workplan 2009-2010 - Uganda 

      Uganda, National Environment Management Authority
      The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) is a semi-autonomous institution, established in May 1995 under the National Environment Act CAP 153 and became operational in December 1995, as the principal agency in ...
    • Approved and signed EIAs from 2011 to 2013 - Uganda 

      Uganda, National Environment Management Authority (National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) - Uganda, 2013)
      Approved and signed EIAs from 2011 to 2013 - Uganda
    • Country profile for integrated environmental assessment in Uganda 

      Uganda, National Environment Management Authority
      Over the last 15 years, Uganda has achieved spectacular economic growth, thanks to the introduction of an enabling macro-economic environment and political stability. However, this economic growth has only recently manifested ...
    • Environmental Sensitivity Atlas for the Albertine Graben 

      Uganda, National Environment Management Authority
      Oil exploration has been ongoing in the Albertine Graben since the 1920’s. Currently there is confirmation of commercially viable oil deposits in this area with early production scheduled to begin 2009. Oil spills can have ...
    • Environmental Sensitivity Atlas for the Albertine Graben - Second edition 

      Uganda, National Environment Management Authority
      Oil exploration has been ongoing in the Albertine Graben since the 1920’s. Currently there is confirmation of commercially viable oil deposits in this area with early production scheduled to begin 2009. Oil spills can have ...
    • Five year strategic priorities for NEMA 

      Uganda, National Environment Management Authority (National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) - Uganda, 2011)
      The National Environment Act Cap.153 Section 5 empowers NEMA as the principal agency in Uganda for the management of the environment and shall coordinate, monitor and supervise all activities in the field of environment. ...
    • Indicators for environmental assessment in Uganda 

      Uganda, National Environment Management Authority
      There are several types of environmental monitoring indicators applied by various institutions in Uganda. They fall under four broad categories, namely: Sector performance indicators, Cross-cutting issues indicators, and ...
    • Inter-Relationship Between Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining and Biodiversity in Uganda: The Need for Synergies Between Biodiversity, Chemicals and Waste MEAS 

      Uganda, National Environment Management Authority (2023-08)
      Inter-Relationship Between Artisanal And Small-Scale Gold Mining And Biodiversity In Uganda: A Presentation Made By The National Environment Management Authority During National Focal Points And Government Experts’ Capacity ...
    • Pilot Integrated Ecosystem Assessment of the Lake Kyoga Catchment Area 

      United Nations Environment Programme; United Nations Development Programme; Uganda, National Environment Management Authority (The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), 2008)
      This Integrated Ecosystem Assessment Pilot Study for Uganda was carried out in the Lake Kyoga catchment area as part of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment to provide information on linkages between changes in ecosystems, ...
    • State of the Environment Report - 2005 - Uganda 

      Uganda, National Environment Management Authority
      This report for 2004/05 looks at the drivers of environmental change, the ensuing pressures, the state of the environment, the impacts caused and the responses adopted. New evidence emerging from this report suggests that ...
    • State of the Environment Report - 2010 - Uganda 

      Uganda, National Environment Management Authority
      The State of the Environment 2010 with the theme, “environment sustainability and health” is an integrated assessment of the state and trends of key environmental resources including land, fresh water and aquatic resources, ...
    • State of the Environment Report - Uganda 

      Uganda, National Environment Management Authority (National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) - Uganda, 2007)
      The current report presents a picture of the condition of the environment and natural resources in Uganda. It is divided into five sections. Section 1 introduces the country overview and background. Section 2 deals with ...
    • Strategic Plan 2009-2010-2013-2014 - Uganda 

      Uganda, National Environment Management Authority
      The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) is a semi-autonomous institution, established in May 1995 under the National Environment Act CAP, 153
    • The environmental monitoring plan for the Albertine garden 2012-2017 

      Uganda, National Environment Management Authority
      This report provides a blueprint of an environmental monitoring plan that will ensure sustainable exploitation and utilization the petroleum resources discovered in the Albertine Graben. The report notes that oil and gas ...
    • The Potential of Bio-fuel in Uganda: An assessment of land resources for bio-fuel feedstock suitability 

      Uganda, National Environment Management Authority
      Bio-fuel production is roofing in Uganda amidst problems of malnutrition and looming food insecurity, and environmental degradation. Meanwhile, controversy surrounds the sustainability of bio-fuels as source of bio-fuel ...