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dc.contributorEconomy Divisionen_US
dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programmeen_US
dc.contributor.authorSri Lanka, Ministry of Environmenten_US
dc.contributor.otherInstitute for Global Environmental Strategiesen_US
dc.coverage.spatialSri Lankaen_US
dc.descriptionThese dumpsite rehabilitation guidelines aim to provide for or advise on: a) a risk assessment procedure to determine the level of pollution caused by a dump and its rehabilitation potential; b) implementable rehabilitation and closure plans; c) appropriate technical intervention to minimize leachate contamination, uncontrolled gaseous emissions, waste burning, and risk of dumpsite collapse; and d) an appropriate operation and maintenance procedure that ensures sustainability of technical improvement measures. Chapter 1 emphasizes the need for rehabilitating existing open disposal sites to improve the health and environmental setting in the country and explains the scope and organization of the guideline. Chapter 2 discusses the distinction in definition of the term dumpsite and landfill and introduces the engineered approach to landfilling. Chapter 3 elaborates on the dumpsite risk assessment procedure, based on the Source-Pathway-Receptor (S-P-R) conceptual model. It presents a sequential approach to risk assessment: development of a conceptual site model identifying pollution sources, pollution migration pathways and receptors of pollutants. Chapter 4 is a brief guide to the planning requirements needed to fulfill the objectives of dumpsite rehabilitation, as well as general planning requirements. Chapter 5 elaborates on the technical planning requirements for a typical dumpsite rehabilitation project, and discusses the aspects of technical requirements, potential areas for improvements, types of studies to be conducted and potential sources of information and technical services. Chapter 6 presents a simple decision-making process based on risk assessment and planning objectives. The process involves use of the guidelines to choose the appropriate level of dumpsite rehabilitation from five different levels of improvement based on the risk level assessed in chapter 2. The legal and regulatory requirements to be followed during the rehabilitation process are also covered. Chapter 7 describes the different levels of dumpsite closure and development and offers a guide to choosing the appropriate closure level based on regulatory requirements, technical feasibility, and level of risks. Chapter 8 describes the operation and maintenance requirements to be followed to achieve the objectives set forth during the planning process. It covers the maintenance of landfill cover systems, stormwater drain systems, leachate collection and treatment systems and landfill gas management systems. Chapter 9 briefly describes the project development, design, construction, operation, and monitoring process of two rehabilitated dumpsites in Sri Lanka namely Moon Plains and Galapitayaya, Kataragama in Sri Lanka and two dumpsite rehabilitation projects in India.en_US
dc.subjectSri Lankaen_US
dc.subjectmunicipal serviceen_US
dc.subjectsolid waste managementen_US
dc.titleGuidelines for Safe Closure and Rehabilitation of Municipal Solid Waste Dumpsites in Sri Lankaen_US
dc.typeManuals, Guides and Toolkitsen_US
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 3 - Good Health and Well-beingen_US

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