Manuals, Guides and Toolkits
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Measuring Methane Emissions from Coal Mines - Technical Guidance Document for Source 3: Ventilation Air Methane - Vented
(2024-12)Action on lowering the emission intensity of metallurgical coal mining is critical to limiting the impact of the industry on global warming. The aim of Technical Guidance Documents (TGDs) is to assist members of the Steel ... -
Measuring Methane Emissions from Coal Mines - Technical Guidance Document for Source 5: Drained Coal Mine Methane - Vented
(2024-12)Action on lowering the emission intensity of metallurgical coal mining is critical to limiting the impact of the industry on global warming. The aim of Technical Guidance Documents (TGDs) is to assist members of the Steel ... -
Empowering Regional Action: How ECA Network Countries Used Legislative & Policy Options / RAC Sector Action Tables as an Effective Tool to Foster Dialogue and Share Insights to Support Kigali Amendment Implementation
(2024-12)The Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol requires parties to reduce hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) consumption. To support the countries’ efforts, UNEP OzonAction has developed tools to assist countries in implementing ... -
Antimicrobial resistance toolkit for youth engagement
(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2024-12)The aim of this practical toolkit is to equip youth-led networks and youth-serving organizations with resources to engage young people in AMR communication, education and campaigns for awareness-raising, advocacy and ... -
Guidance on Streamlining National ODS/HFC Licensing System in Asia and the Pacific
(2024-11)The guidance is designed to assist the governments of developing countries (“Article 5 countries” under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer) in devising strategies for digital solutions in ... -
Global Footprint Tool User Guide V1.0
(2024-11)This guide provides step-by-step instructions for creating and managing footprint calculation jobs using the Global Footprint Tool. -
User guidelines on the use of the Global Footprint Tool template
(2024-11)The Global Footprint Tool (GFT) is an application that is designed to allow statistical offices and other entities to calculate their countries environmental footprints, such as material, energy, carbon, water and land, ... -
Questionnaire on the sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources to support reporting on the SDG indicators 14.1.1 and 14.2.1
(2024-11)The data collection is organized by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to support reporting on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicators 14.1.1 (a) Index of coastal eutrophication and (b) plastic debris ... -
Global Environment Outlook Review Editing Analytical Database (GEO-READ) - Frequently Asked Questions
(2024-10)The Review Editing Analytical Database of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO-READ) is the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) digital portal for managing the review of GEO reports. The system provides different ... -
Global Environment Outlook Seventh Edition (GEO-7) Assessment - Second Order Draft Reviewer Guidelines July 2024
(2024-07)As agreed during the Ad-Hoc Open-Ended Meeting that produced the Assessment Procedures and Supporting Functions for the GEO-7 in September 2022, expert reviewers should be invited to comment on the accuracy and completeness ... -
Guidelines for Hazardous Plastic Waste Collection, Transportation, Treatment and Disposal - SwitchMed II Project in Egypt, Policy Component
(2024-06)Plastic waste, especially the hazardous type, is a major global environmental problem with its production drastically increased by more than twenty-folds between 1964 and 2015, with an annual output of 322 million metric ... -
The Global Framework on Chemicals Fund Application Guidelines: First Round of Applications - Call for Applications Opens: 1 October 2024 - Application Deadline: 31 January 2025
(2024-09)This application guideline aims to support applicants in preparing their application for the Global Framework on Chemicals Fund. It is designed to provide information on all sections of the application document as well as ... -
Guidance on the scope of the Global Framework on Chemicals Fund for the first round of applications (2024)
(2024-09)In 2023, the fifth International Conference on Chemicals Management requested the Executive Director of UNEP to establish a time-limited voluntary trust fund, the Global Framework on Chemicals Fund, that will provide ... -
Appendix 10: Procedure for the Analysis of PFAS in Pellets
(2023-07)This procedure has been elaborated by IDAEA-CSIC to provide support for the implementation of the Global Monitoring Plan (GMP) on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) under the Stockholm Convention. The programme includes ... -
Appendix 4: POPs Data Handling Guidance
(2018-04)The present POPs Data Handling Guidance intends to provide additional assistance, to six Pacific Islands in the processing, interpretation, and presentation of their own data using basic excel tools. The procedure for data ... -
Appendix 3: Guidance for the Conversion of Data on POPs from Mass/PUF to Mass/m3 using Tom Harner´s Model and the Stockholm Convention Data Warehouse Template
(2018-04)Ambient air is an important matrix for the effectiveness evaluation of the Convention because it has a very short response time to changes in atmospheric emissions and is a relatively well-mixed environmental medium and ... -
Municipal Agendas for Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture: A Guide to Integrating Agriculture into Urban Planning Processes - Executive Summary
(2024-09)This document was developed in response to a demand from Brazilian municipalities for conceptual and methodological guidance. The central message of the Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture (UPA) guide is to highlight the ... -
UNEP IMEO Technical Documentation for Methane Satellite Detection and Quantification
(2024-09)UNEP’s International Methane Emissions Observatory (IMEO) launched the Methane Alert and Response System (MARS) in a pilot phase at COP-27 and a fully-operational phase at COP-28. MARS increases transparency and accelerates ... -
Applying the Teebagrifood Evaluation Framework - Overarching Implementation Guidance
(2020)The TEEBAgriFood Scientific and Economics Foundations report has proposed a Framework to provide a comprehensive understanding of eco-agrifood systems for decision-makers. It is based on the three principles of universality, ... -
The 2024 International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies - A Practical Guide for Individuals, Cities, Governments, Schools & Universities, Businesses, Civil Society
(2024-09)On 7 September 2024, the world will celebrate International Day of Clean Air for blue skies calling for global action to combat air pollution, one of the greatest health and environmental challenges of our time. The day ...