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dc.contributorEcosystems Divisionen_US
dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programmeen_US
dc.identifier.otherUNEP(DEC)/CAR IG.20/INF.4en_US
dc.descriptionThis report was prepared by the Secretariat to the Cartagena Convention and its Protocols and submitted in February 2001 to the Secretariat for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), as information for the Sixth Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) to the CBD (Montreal, Canada March 2001).en_US
dc.titleReport To The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) From The Secretariat of the Convention for the Protection And Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region (Cartagena 1983) and Its Protocols, Including the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) (February 2001)en_US
dc.title.alternativeInforme a La La Secretaría Del Convenio Sobre La Diversidad Biológica (CBD) Por La Secretaría Del Convenio Para La Protección Y Desarrollo Del Medio Ambiente Marino En La Región Del Gran Caribe (Cartagena 1983) Y Sus Protocolos, Incluído El Protocolo Relativo a Las Áreas Y Flora Y Fauna Silvestres Especialmente Protegidas En La Región Del Gran Caribe (SPAW). (Febrero, 2001)en_US
dc.title.alternativeRapport pour le Secrétariat de la Convention sur la Diversité Biologique (CDB) du Secrétariat de la Convention pour la Protection et la Mise en Valeur de l’Environnement marin de la Région des Caraïbes (Carthagène, 1983) et ses Protocoles, y compris le Protocole relatif aux Zones et à la Vie Sauvage Spécialement Protégées (SPAW) (février 2001)en_US
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 13 - Climate Actionen_US
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 14 - Life Below Wateren_US
wd.identifier.mettingsessionFirst Meeting of the Contracting Parties (COP) to the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) in the Wider Caribbean Region. Havana, Cuba, 24-25 September 2001en_US

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